CMS TEN Release Notes


CMS version 10.0.16 includes the 2021 USPS shipping rates effective Sunday -January 24th, 2021. This update of course also includes the recent rate updates for UPS and FedEx from CMS 10.0.15 as well.

Release Notes from all previous versions can be found on our Release Notes page.


For updates from 10.0.4 or earlier - IMPORTANT

If you are using custom designed Crystal invoices and have multi-recipient orders, those Crystal forms must be updated to work properly with 10.0.16. Database changes in 10.0.5 can cause some Crystal invoices to not create pick tickets per recipient which, if not caught, could result in you shipping products to the wrong recipient. The fix is very simple and fast. Please contact us if you think you maybe affected or for more information.

For All Updates to 10.x from 9.x or earlier

Encryption - The Encryption option in PCI Administration must be enabled before installing CMS TEN. Please log into CMS as PC Administrator and verify yours is turned on before proceeding. To do this, log into CMS as PCI Administrator and go PCI Administration>PCI. Your button for encryption should read 'Re-Encrypt' as seen in this screenshot AND say "no further action is necessary". If so, you're set and there's nothing more you need to do (no need to re-encrypt).

If you install CMS TEN and encryption has not been run or is up to date, the install will warn you and abort. If encryption/re-encryption is necessary. we recommend you run encryption overnight while everyone is out of CMS.

Important information to prepare you for the transition to your new version of CMS. Please see our CMS TEN Upgrade Plan article for additional guidance.

For All Updates (from any version)

No workstation updates are required unless you are running Windows 10 and are coming from 10.0.4 or earlier. The server update should not run longer than other CMS updates if updating from 10.x.

Release codes - CMS TEN uses the same release codes as CMS 9.x. If you're on CMS 8.x, you'll need to use v9 codes obtained from your account manager.

MINIMUM SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS – CMS 10.0.14 did not introduce any new system requirements. Our full system requirements can be reviewed on our CMS System Requirements wiki page.

End of Life Announcement - Windows 7 (IMPORTANT)
Microsoft has announced they will no longer provide support or updates for their Windows 7 operating system as of January 14, 2020. After that date Win7 will no longer receive security patches which, aside from the obvious security threats, also means that you cannot be PCI compliant.

We have already seen ramifications at client sites running on other unsupported operating systems. For example, PCI is dictating a shift away from using SSL and TLS 1.0 since they are now considered to be insecure methods of connection. As our partners start to follow this dictate (e.g. and TransFirst) they will remove support for those older forms of secure connection which Windows XP and Server 2003 cannot support, as an example of this shift.

Identify which workstations you may have running Win7 and upgrade them to Windows 10.

For a complete list of operating systems we support for use with CMS, see our System Requirements wiki article.

PCI Compliance - CMS TEN has been successfully validated against the PA-DSS 3.0 specification by Coalfire Systems. Software changes that could affect your compliance would only be included in major CMS versions (e.g. 9.0, 10.0) or minor versions (e.g. 9.2, 10.2) and never in releases (e.g. 9.0.5, 10.0.12) or builds (e.g., You can read more about our versioning methodology at the bottom of our Release Notes page.

CMS 10.0.x is listed on the PCI Council’s directory of Validated Payment Applications. We file updates with the PCI Council annually to maintain our status and demonstrate that changes made to the software each year have not compromised our compliance.

Database and XML Changes:

10.0.12 included a change to the SHIPRATES.MAXWEIGHT field, changing it to a numeric field to support the new zone based charges for First Class Package Services. If you have any custom reports referencing this field (unlikely) they will need to be updated. Otherwise there were no changes in 10.0.16 but there were several database changes in 10.0.1 and 10.0.5 that should be reviewed if updating from 10.0.4 or previous.

Integrations - NOTE AMAZON CHANGES detailed below for 10.0.8. All other integrations will continue to work as they had previously including CommerceV3, Magento, Volusion, UPS Worldship, FedEx Ship Manager, Endicia/DaZzle, ShipRush, Malvern, Worldpay (MPS/Vantiv), TransFirst, and


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  1. USPS rate change - CMS has been updated to include the new 2021 rates which are effective January 24th. has written a good summary of what the notable changes are on their page "USPS Announces 2021 Rate Increase for Shipping Services".

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.15 release:

  2. UPS 2021 Rate Changes

    The new UPS rates are effective December 27th, 2020. No changes to services, just rate changes. See their UPS Rate Change Information page for more details.

  3. FedEx 2021 Rate Changes

    2021 FedEx rate take effect January 4th, 2021 with no change to services. You can read more about the change on their FedEx Shipping Rates page.

  4. FedEx OneRate

    FedEx OneRate can be a bit confusing given the number of rates, services, zones, etc. We've found, however, that with some of our clients FedEx has simplified this for their 2day offerings by making it zone-free and is charging a flat rate based on package type. To this end, we've added several package types so you can create corresponding shipping methods in CMS. Your existing Ship Manager integration should recognize these with no change needed.

    Note that in CMS these are all still rated as 2day shipments and Ship Manager will determine if the package qualifies for OneRate. The new package type variants are Envelope, Pak, Small Box, Medium Box.

    See all recent changes and fixes HERE.

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.14 release:

  5. USPS - 2020 Rate Changes

    USPS's 2020 rates are effective January 26th, 2020. You can read more about the rate update on (Endicia's parent company.)

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.13 release:

  6. UPS - 2020 Rate Changes

    UPS's 2020 rates are effective December 29th, 2019 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes. Peak Surcharge rates for Fall 2020 have not been announced yet so those will be updated in a subsequent CMS release as they become available. You can read more about the rate update on UPS's 2020 Rate page.

  7. FedEx - 2020 Rate Changes
    FedEx's 2020 rates are effective January 6th, 2020 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes.

    You can read more about the rate change on FedEx's 2020 Rate page.

  8. Avalara - Avatax Connector
    * Tax commits can now be limited to specific combinations of order sources and states, addressing where marketplaces such as Amazon are considered to be the seller so they have responsibility for tax reporting.

    * Can now define multiple effective nexus dates for each state allowing proper calculations and filing as your nexus changes over the years.

    * Option to only send commits for Nexus states, reducing the number of transactions sent to Avalara and reducing the related fees. This is at the expense of Avalara being able to report non-taxable transactions to each state.

    * Customers and orders flagged as Tax Exempt will no longer be sent to Avalara for tax calls or commits, further reducing the Avalara fees.

    * New option to report the shipped date instead of the invoice date as the committed date. This helps ensure that taxability is based on rates at the time of shipping although it leaves the merchant responsible for any changes in tax amount, should rates change between when the order was fulfilled (invoice date) and when it ships.

  9. Import/Export changes
    * New option for logging all text shown in the status window from manual and automated imports

    * Inactive price categories are no longer included in product uploads

    * Product uploads to CommerceV3 (CV3) now include the Brand and Manufacture fields

    * Order Exports - Exporting using the XML format can now be used for unlimited date ranges. Separate files will be created as size thresholds are reached.

  10. Report Modifications
    The following reports have had been enhanced (changes described in bug fix list below):
    * InvoiceTemplate - Email
    * Invoice Detail Report
    * Operator and Salesperson Statistics
    * Receiving Report
    * Credit Card Transaction Report
    * Product Sales Breakdown

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.12 release:

  11. USPS - 2019 Rate Changes
    New USPS rates are effective January 27th, 2019 and CMS has been updated to include these new rates. A notable change in 2019 is the move to zone based pricing for First Class Package Services which was previously purely based on weight.

    Both Endicia and have informative articles explaining these changes in further detail.

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.11 release:

  12. UPS - 2019 Rate Changes

    UPS's 2019 rates are effective December 26th, 2018 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes. Peak Surcharge rates for Fall 2019 have not been announced yet so those will be updated in a subsequent CMS release as they become available. You can read more about the rate update on UPS's 2019 Rate page.

  13. FedEx - 2019 Rate Changes

  14. FedEx's 2019 rates are effective December 31st, 2018 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes.

    You can read more about the rate change on FedEx's 2019 Rate page.

    The following changes are from the previous 10.0.10 release:

  15. 2018 USPS Rates

  16. Effective January 21st, 2018 the US Postal Service will have new rates. These rate changes effect both market dominant (mailing services) and competitive (shipping services) classes which, in the past, have often been updated on different schedules.

    You can read more about the rate changes on Endicia's site,, or on the USPS site.

  17. Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Padded Envelope

    We've added support for Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Padded Envelope so you'll have the proper rate in CMS and our integration with Endicia/Dazzle will print the appropriate labels.
  18. Reprocessing a Package

    On occasion you may create an incorrect label for a package, needing to change its service level, weight, etc, We have simplified the process of clearing a shipped date on a package to allow it to allow a new label to be generated (via the Manifest or the shipping integrations.)

    A new Clear button has been added to Order Entry's Shipping tab. This will remove the shipped date and clear the package's shipped status. This Clear button can be clicked by anyone with the employee permission to edit shipped orders only. It does not, however, require the order to be edited, similar to how you can set/remove/change an invoice shipped date through the Options menu on View Invoice without being in Edit mode. Editing orders can always be dangerous so this should help reduce the frequency those edits are required.

    To facilitate the use of Clear, the Shipping tab of Order Entry now allows packages to be selected/highlighted. Clear only works for the selected package (multi-select not supported). It does not also clear the shipped date from the invoice but that is not necessary for reprocessing the label for the package. Invoice shipped dates can still be modified if needed for other reasons through View Invoice>Options.
  19. The following changes are from the recent 10.0.9 release:

  20. 2018 UPS Rates and Surcharges

    UPS's 2018 rates are effective December 24th, 2017 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes. They have announced the Peak Surcharge rates and dates for 2018 so those have been included in this update as well. You can read more about the rate update on UPS's 2018 Rate page.
  21. 2018 FedEx Rates and Surcharges

  22. FedEx's 2018 rates are effective December 31st, 2017 with all of the traditional increases and no service changes.

    FedEx has explicitly stated they will not introduce a Peak Surcharge so, for the moment, those remain UPS only. CMS has been designed to accommodate them in the future, expecting FedEx to follow UPS's lead at some point.

    You can read more about the rate change on FedEx's 2018 Rate page.

    The following changes are from the 10.0.8 release:

  23. CommerceV3 (CV3) Plug-In Changes

    1. Product uploads start and end date for discounts - CV3 supports a date and time for the start and end of when a product's discount apply. CMS only has a date so the date was defaulting to midnight for both causing one day to be trimmed off the effective date range. We've altered this so the starting time is 12:01am and the ending time is 12:00pm including a time zone offset to better ensure the intended dates are honored.
    2. Weights for SKU's - Product uploads to CV3 will now include weights for products with attributes (sizes/colors).
  24. Amazon Changes (beta) - IMPORTANT

    1. Support for gift notes - CMS now supports gift messages for orders coming from Amazon. To support this though, we've had to alter our import layout which in turn means you must change your order report columns to include Gift Wrap, even if you do not expect to receive orders with gift notes or wrap. Note we do not support gift wrap yet.
    2. International ship methods - Support has been added for international shipping options. You can map these to your selected shipping methods as described in the Amazon Setup Guide.
  25. Do Not Print Billing Invoice

    All orders imported for Amazon end up attached to your customer record for Amazon. These are multi-ship invoices (those were the buyer is not the recipient) for which CMS would normally print both a billing invoice and packing slips for each recipient. Amazon does not need to receive these invoices so we've implemented a new checkbox option on the customer record for 'Do Not Print Billing Invoice'. When checked only the recipient packing slips will print. This is not an Amazon specific solution and may be useful for any relationship you have where your open accounts do not require invoices for billing (e.g. EDI.)

    The initial implementation of the feature is for CMS forms. As of CMS this solution will also work for certain supported Crystal invoice forms as well.

  26. Order Import Verify - Support for Use Across Time Zones

    We're seeing more use of CMS via remote connections including across time zones. This presented a problem where the server was on the day ahead of the workstation during certain times of the day (e.g. the workstation was 11pm Monday and the server was 1am Tuesday). The date is one aspect of our elaborate credit card encryption scheme and this difference in dates wouldn't allow someone in a different time zone to work with that payment since it would not decrypt. We have now built in support for this cross time zone use of CMS to allow our decryption scheme to operate normally.
  27. Apply Payments - Exposure of Invoices with Bad Payments

    Now when using Apply Payments, you can see which of the customer's invoices have bad payments applied to them, typically those which you may want to pay off first. These invoice numbers are now highlighted in red (invoice column only). Color coding is still used separately in the Amount column to indicate which invoices are fully paid (green), partially paid (yellow), or red for balance less than zero (which shouldn't happen normally.)

  28. MasterCards Starting with a 2

    MasterCard is now issuing cards that start with a 2. CMS has been modified to support this in all areas where credit card numbers are used. Our payment partners and their gateways also support these new card numbers.
  29. Future Ships - No Date Limits

    Future ship orders, those you schedule to ship at some date in the future, were previously limited to scheduling two years out. This limitation has been removed enabling you to schedule shipments as far into the future as desired.

  30. Operator for Invoice

    When viewing an order or one of its invoices, you'd only see the operator that originally placed the order. We are now saving the operator who processed a return/exchange and it will be displayed when viewing that invoice.
  31. Form Printing Sequence

    When printing from Form Printing, the invoices will print in the order displayed, from the top down in the grid. The sort on the grid has been changed to Invoice Date ascending so the oldest invoices are at the top of the list. This better supports first in first out (FIFO) printing although if you ship all of the printed orders in the same day anyway this may have little impact on you.
  32. New Print Task: Invoice - Tracking Numbers (All)

    For CMS invoice forms (not Crystal) we've introduced a new print task to print all of the tracking numbers for an invoice. The previous print task of this name, used in email confirmations for its tracking URL's, has been renamed to Invoice - Tracking URL's All.
  33. Invoice and Mail Filter Enhancements

    1. Invoice filter by Order Source - New filter option to target orders by their order source.
    2. Invoice filters now include a View SQL button - The power of the filters in CMS is that you can do most anything with them. Like Mail Filters, you can now create your own filter and then click the new View SQL button that you may then copy and modify to use in a custom invoice filter.
    3. Invoice filters for shipping method or service level - You can now filter by either the shipping method you've set up to use or you can filter by the underlying shipping service level. To be clear, CMS allows you to set up multiple shipping methods that all use the same service level (e.g. UPS Ground) so the new filters allow you to target either.
    4. State filters for International and Canada changed/moved - The previous implementation of the International and Canada options in the State filter map was found to be problematic so they have been removed. These options are now available via the Countries filter option which has also been reworked to make it easier to choose International, Canada, and/or USA.
    5. Selection Improvements - The filters for ad codes, source codes, and price categories have been converted to a grid of checkboxes to improve usability.
  34. Worldship XML - Changing Shipper Profile

    CMS can now tell Worldship which shipper profile to use when processing a package via XML. This can be particularly useful for printing SurePost labels which, due to their combination of UPS and USPS information on it, may not have room for additional fields or logos. Using a different shipper profile dedicated to a new label layout just for SurePost can help. You can add a Profile Name to any shipping method in Setup.
  35. UPS Holiday Surcharges

    UPS has announced peak surcharges that are effective around the Thanksgiving weekend (Black Friday/Cyber Monday) as well as the week before Christmas. These have been built into CMS to allow for proper rate calculations during those times. By default these surcharges are enabled but you can disable or alter them if your charges differ from published daily rates.

    There are cases where the shipping date is not known, such as unfulfilled back orders. In those cases the surcharge is never applied.

    Note that Fuel Surcharges are calculated before these peak surcharges are added, not after.
  36. Stock Manager Changes

    1. Support for lookup at the SKU level with a barcode scan - Scanning the SKU-specific UPC code in Stock Manager for product with sizes/colors will now bring up that specific SKU. If instead a scan is done of the product code only, Stock Manager will retrieve the first SKU for that product.
    2. Lot Expiration now displayed and is editable - During PO receiving CMS provided a field for the lot's Expiration (date) but that was the only place it could be set. It is now may be viewed and edited in Stock Manager. Expirations dates presently are for reference only and will not affect the lots that CMS pulls from or in what sequence. |
  37. Physical Inventory Report

    This report has been completely rewritten to improve performance and fitness as well as introduce some new functionality. Changes include:
    1. Vendor Selection - The report can now be run for all vendors or a single vendor. The latter providing utility when wanting to do counts for a specific vendor, potentially before ordering. The option to sort the report by vendor has been removed now that you can run it for a single vendor.
    2. Starting Allocation Date - When including Allocation Details, earlier versions of this report would include all unshipped allocations for all orders. You may now limit this by specifying a starting allocation date in a new parameter of the same name so the report will only account for allocations since that time. This can be useful if you have old/bad data to ignore or had a physical inventory count on X date so want to only look at open orders since that time.
    3. Hide Zero Stock - Similar to the option that has been added to other inventory reports, this new parameter allows you to exclude all items with no stock available or just those that are also discontinued.
    4. Warehouse parameters combined - Instead of having one parameter for 'All Warehouses' and another to select which warehouse, these have now been combined into a single parameter.
    5. Removed Event Dependency - The previous version of this report relied on a database event to gather allocation data as a means of improving performance. It was found to increase database log file size at an unacceptable rate so it has been disabled in favor of other approaches of performance gains.
  38. Product Sales Detail Report - Exclude zero dollar sales

    A new Parameter has been added that would exclude items sold for a net of $0.00 (freebie). This includes both items sold for $0.00 and those with 100% line item discount.
  39. Ex Employees - No more ToDo

    Once you've set a Last Date on an employee (indicating they are no longer working for you) they will be removed from list of employees selectable in ToDo's.
  40. MPS --> Vantiv

    MPS (Mercury Payment Systems) has been acquired by Vantiv. References in CMS to MPS have been updated to now read Vantiv.
  41. Backup Conflicts

    When backups are created by the database's scheduled event (vs. clicking the button for Create Immediate Backup) that database will have its backup event disabled. When these backups were restored for use as training databases, which was by far more common than restoring for recovery, that backup event would conflict with the backup event form the production database causing the backup to become corrupt. If a backup is restored into production, the backup settings will need to be re-selected in PCI Admin.
  42. Bug Fixes and modifications


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USPS Feb 2025 - Updated rates

UPS Jan 2025 - Updated rates

PeachTree NCOA - address input/output format fixed

USPS July 2024 - Updated rates

Order Entry - Customer Number now displayed on final message dialog when saving an order

Returns - "Don't Restock Now" default setting added to Setup | Order Entry | Order Entry Options | General

USPS 2024 -Updated rates, added Ground Advantage method

UPS 2024 - Updated rates

FedEx 2024 - Update rates

-regressive from 308 Package Type addition, AV when adding by Batch if Default Package Type combo has not been set (which is the default on new installations)

USPS -calculation failure with First Class Package (regressive from USPS Rate update)

USPS - Ship Zone Lookup - HI/AK addresses were failing to calculate Zones for USPS (so returned $0 rates, regressive from late 2022)

USPS 2023 - Updated rates

FedEx 2023 - Updated rates

UPS 2023 - Updated rates, Update DAS/EDAS/Remote Zip Codes, Updated AK/HI zones

Stock Manager - grid hard to use in Windows 11 because of bad grid rendering/color

CMS email fails sending from CV3/Rackspace to Gmail Accounts, because of newly required Message-ID at Gmail (fix for any mail server not adding their own Message-ID)

CMS email now supports TLSv1.2

Yubikey causes "Device cannot be connected" error when opening CMS

USPS Regional Rates not calculating

Batch Approvals - problem with order date sorting in the grid

CV3 - PayPal - Shipping address, non-US Country not recognized

USPS 2022 Rates

Regressive issue when downloading XML payments if more than one payment

UPS 2022 Rates

FedEx 2022 Rates

FedEx Tracking URL fixed

Customer Filter - Customer Spending in Period was nearly non functional

Fulfillment Manager - potential for order to re-check against order source/RefID#, which would stop the fulfillment run if a dupe was detected (extreme condition, not likely)

Batching - regressive filtering issue reverted

Customer Filter - Customer Spending in Period now excludes Temps/Proformas

Delayed Fulfillments - (regressive) Hold Until Complete mode was caused erroneous customer credit entries

Customers - Issue Credit - now recognizes existing Worldpay tokens

EDC - Partial Auths now optioned, off by default

Order Entry - fixed an A/V when switching to the money tab

AIM - Validation was failing if a non-credit-card type was being processed.

CV3 - PayPal Checkout is now sending 'US' instead of '840' for country code

UPS - Update to DAS/EDAS zip codes

Manifest - cost calculation was off when changing ship methods

Manifest - UPS - cost calculation was not including Declared Value charges

Customer Filter - Customer Spending In Period was including Proformas/Temps

EDC - better handling of disconnects

Endicia - Added option "Allow Endicia to Choose Layout" in Endicia Options. This is CMS' way of stepping away from specifying these on the CMS side, to avoid issues like Guam not triggering an APO label

Invoice Holds - invoices placed on hold are removed from any invoice batch they may have been assigned to.

Invoice Holds - hold on one invoice in an order no longer makes all of the invoices unavailable to Batching

InvoiceTemplate was showing wrong PO Receiving date for BO's (potentially showed dates from old PO's)

Order Entry - Nexus test failed when USA not selected (mostly for Avalara usage)

Order Entry - Order View, hover over for line-item customization did not refresh when order scrolling

Purchasing - other vendors vendsku records were being displayed when box was checked for 'display only vendo'rs products' dh note: I've changed the timing of the product list refresh. It now happens when entering the items screen. The Pick From Vendors checkbox is now checked by default, so if the user selects the vendor before going to the item screen, the query will be much less expensive. The user is now informed by a Please Wait screen when the product list is updating, instead of generating long hourglass cursors with no information. Refresh will also occur if the vendor is changed and the user re-enters the item screen.

UPS - DAS/EDAS zipcodes updated

Order Entry - Payments - improvements to glitchy handling of -2 and above payments

Filtering - Customers - Amount Spent In Period was not excluding Proformas/Temps

New FedEx integration profile file (for new installations of ShipManager)

USPS - Updates rates and charges for the 2021 rate change effective January 24th - Dev-1221

UPS - 2021 updates rated and surcharges - Dev-1221

FedEx - updated rates and surcharges - Dev-1219

Customers - Removed prompt regarding missing bill/ship_id since it is not one that can be remedied by the user - Dev-1216

Staging - Package list now sorted by final_ship (shipping method) supplementing the current package number sort, effectively grouping packages by ship method - Dev-1190

Address Validation - Updated to Endicia's latest web service version to support recent Zip+4 field type change - Dev-1203

Returns - Unlinked returns for tax exempt customers was reporting that there is an exempt mismatch between the customer and order - Dev-1188

Kit Builder - Modified the Kits To Build report so that components are now sorted by bin location - Dev-1205

Tax Integrations - During our recent pursuit of certification with Avalara we've confirmed that this tax services requires that all shipped orders (for your nexus states) be submitted to them (commits) including those that are tax exempt. This is to fa ciliate their tax filings on your behalf which must include exempt sales. CMS had been filtering out exempt orders from commits as a means of reducing the number or API hits. Unfortunately, this is not viable so it has been removed. An option remains in CMS Setup for whether or not you want to require Get Tax calls during Order Entry/Validation (tax requests) so you may still reduce the API hits in that way- Dev-1208

ShipRush - Client requested ZPL change

Order Entry - Clickable tracking links for FedEx were not working - Dev-1206

Address Validation - The county field was not being updated in the billing and shipping address editor after clicking Validate - Dev-1197

ShipRush - Added End of Day package filter - Dev-1198

Crystal Forms - We have added a new database function that will find the first customer phone number that is not a fax (similar to the CMS print task) for use with Crystal forms that include the customers phone number (which there may be many to choose from.) If you want to use this, you're form will need to be modified to use this new function - Dev-1187

Packaging - A product using the 'Requires New Package' (RNP) option can now be added to an existing package as long as that package does not already have an RNP item in it - Dev-1185

Employees - Added grid sorting to the Employee section - Dev-1184

Product Uploads - A new plug-in option 'Logging' added to allow logging of the web service communications to aid in troubleshooting. The resulting log file is cmsdebug.log - Dev-1180

FedEx - Added package type variants (Envelope, Pak, Small Box, Medium Box) to 2-day to facilitate the use of FedEx OneRate. Ship Manager determines if OneRate applies, otherwise is a standard 2day shipment - Dev-1068

Avalara - Enhancements to support upcoming certification including communication logging, alternate URL option, and fields for cust/item tax codes/use codes, and a Test Connect button - Dev-875

ShipRush - CMS now able to work with multiple ShipRush servers - Dev-1118

ShipRush - CMS able to initiate End of Day processing per ShipRush server - Dev-1118

Staging - Support for Zebra ZT410 printer - Dev-1113

Address Validation - The county lookup CMS performs during address validation could fail if the city returned by ELS did not match a city in CMS's own city/state/zip data - Dev-1176

Address Validation - Change in build 277 was causing the Validate button not to turn green - Dev-1171

Peachtree NCOA - Updated CMS to work with Peachtree's current export layout - Dev-1169

Device Error - When CMS launches it requests from Windows a list of available input devices. On some devices CMS would raise an error on launch as it was unable to initialize a device type "Sensor", which is not needed by CMS, so is now explicitly ignored - Dev-1167

Address Validation - The new ELS address validation integration was not properly setting the County field. ELS does not return a county in their results so we are using CMS's internal database of city/state/zip data that we obtain from USPS which includes the county - Dev-1163

Address Validation - The new ELS address validation integration was not properly setting the residential delivery indicator (RDI) - Dev-1161

Physical Inventory Report - For products that have multiple SKUs, the allocation amount was only correct for the first SKU where later SKUs would show the sum of previous SKUs - Dev-1159

Address Validation - Transition to Endicia Label Server (ELS) production account (off of the sandbox account) - Dev-1141

Address Validation - CMS will now only attempt address validation on U.S. addresses during imports.

Address Validation - Fixed a problem that could produce a blank error while attempting to import orders using an order source configured to use address validation.

Address Validation - In preparation for the Endicia shutdown of their Dial-a-Zip service that CMS connects to for address validation on June 11, 2020, we have temporarily transitioned CMS's address validation calls to the Endicia Label Server (ELS) sandbox account until we can secure a permanent account for CMS or for individual customers - Dev-1141

Inventory Tracking report - show LOT_ITEM.Qty instead of ITEMSORD.SENT_QTY - Dev-1146

Scales - Added support for the Mettler Toledo BC-30 and BC-60 scale models - Dev-1133

CMS Updates - Improved the speed of database updates by removing an old update against Itemsord (large table) which is no longer needed - Dev-1137

Tax Service - You can now associate an address with an order source which facilitates proper taxing when doing offsite sales (e.g. trade shows) - Dev-1136

USPS - For Regional Rate A and B, zone 8 has the rate for zone 9 - Dev-1134

Inventory Analysis Report - column width adjustments to make more room for size name - Dev-1087

CV3 (Public) Plug-in - Inventory notes were not getting deleted when uploading - Dev-1130

Logging - Enhanced our request level logging to help with advanced troubleshooting - Dev-1124

Avalara - Updated the tax print tasks for use with non-Crystal CMS forms so it will use either the CMS or tax service (Avatax) tax - Dev-1124

USPS - Rates were missing for Regional Rate A - Dev-1123

Order Entry - Using Past Items to add an item to an order was retaining its original itemsord.t_date which could cause the item not to show in the expected date ranges in the Inventory Tracking report. No other stock CMS reports should be using this field and it is not used by CMS so the impact of this issue should be limited just to this report - Dev-1122

USPS - 2020 Rates - Dev-1112

Staging - Support for ZT410 printer - Dev-1113

Amazon - Support for non-Amazon shipping methods in the import file - Dev-1081 <internal only>

Avalara - POS orders and those with a shipping choice using the Hand Delivered service level will trigger the use of local taxing, either the address from Workstation Specific>Location (good for trade shows) or your company's address from Setup, overriding the customer's shipping address - Dev-1108

UPS - 2020 Rates and Surcharges updated - Dev-1104

FedEx - 2020 Rates and Surcharges updated - Dev-1105

CMS Help - Teamviewer download link changed to point to Teamviewer's site - Dev-1106

InvoiceTemplate - Email - Added support for new Avalara tax fields - Dev-1103

Order Imports - New logging option added for troubleshooting (add IMPORT_LOGS record into SMALLSET) to log progress window text for both manual and auto imports- Dev-1101

Magento - enhanced handling of XML to avoid errors on some systems - Dev-1099

Magento - Orders for digitally delivered goods were failing due to the order importing with no shipping address - Dev-1100

Order Import - No longer deleting duplicate records in Order_XML when the same order is downloaded more than once (CMS already prevents saving of dupe orders) - Dev-1098

Order Exports - Larger exports, broken into separate files, were failing on the last file - Dev-1089

Product Sales Breakdown report - Now limited to only include results for US and Canada - Dev-1003

Credit Card Transaction report - transactions were being excluded from the report if they had a charge card number that had been removed as a result of the PCI data retention policy - Dev-850

Operator and Salesperson Statistics reports - Now exclude proforma transactions - Dev-1080

Order Exports - XML exports were failing when running for larger ranges of dates. Larger exports will now be broken into separate files - Dev-1083 - 257

Order Entry - Imported list of recipients could display an inflated number of recipients - Dev-1077

CV3 - Some characters were causing the product upload to CommerceV3 to fail - Dev-1078

NCOA - Expanded the length of some fields used during NCOA processing to prevent truncation - Dev-1051

Product uploads - Inactive price categories are no longer included in the product upload data - Dev-1052

CV3 - The SKU fields for Brand and Manufacture are now included in the product uploads to CommerceV3 (CV3) - Dev-1019 - 253

Invoice Detail Report - new version deployed in the Beta folder that allows for selection by order or shipped date - Dev-1047

Magento - Magento plug-in is blindly trying to find abbreviations to match its input for region_id, but for non-US addresses, this leaves the state blank. Modified the code to insert the region_id into the state field when no abbreviation matches are found - Dev-1046

Receiving Report - Fine-tuned layout to allow more space for quantity, cost, and totals values - Dev-1043

Avalara - Invoice loses "tax committed" date when order edited - Dev-1045

Avalara - New configuration for order source per state to accommodate marketplaces that must file as the seller in some states - Dev-1020

Progress Bars - Fixed Access Violation that was being raised infrequently - Dev-1028 - 250 <internal only>

Avalara - Effective nexus date ranges added to the Nexus States setup - Dev-1017

Avalara - New option to only submit commits for Nexus states. This is part of a larger effort to reduce the number of Avalara API hits which will help reduce related costs - Dev-973

Avalara - Customers flagged as Tax Exempt in CMS will not require tax calls or commits - Dev-1018

Avalara - New option "Commit using Shipped Date instead of Invoice Date" to better support clients whose business model could have them ship many days after fulfilling - Dev-1019

Avalara - Possible Access Violation when uploading Commits - Dev-972

Automated Imports Module - Payment with an External Processing payment type were getting erroneously flagged as bad credit cards - Dev-1014

Avalara - Tax call error when processing a return against a manually fulfilled backorder - Dev-1015

USPS - Updated rates to corresponding to the January 27th, 2019 rate change. USPS First Class Package service is now also zone based instead of purely weight based - Dev-1005

UPS - Updated rates and surcharges corresponding to December 26th 2018 rate change - Dev-994

FedEx - Updated rates and surcharges corresponding to January 7th 2019 rate change - Dev-995

Windows 10 - After Windows patch KB4470502 CMS was no longer able to interact with some HID devices due to new security measures in Windows to restrict access to input devices - Dev-992

Magento - Added support for the PayPal payment method with both PayPal (standard) and PayPal Express being mapped to PayPal in CMS - Dev-988

Avalara - No longer sending delayed items to Avalara for tax calcs as those calculations will take place on fulfillment - Dev-980

Avalara - Now allowing for Get Tax to be clicked when editing multi-invoice orders (e.g. fulfillments and returns) - Dev-967

Avalara - Fulfillment of Hold Until Complete backorders was yielding the wrong tax amount - Dev-976

Contact Manager - Several revisions to how the employee list is handled for History Events/ToDos disallowing free form errant entry in favor of choosing a name from a list, removal of PCI Admin from the list, and display as Last/First sorted alpha. Similar changes made for 'Reason for Contact' - Dev-950

Unshipped - Multiship orders may not show in the Unshipped window if the buyer did not also receive merchandise. Unshipped will now display these invoices but will not show a ship-to address - Dev-949

Avalara (BETA) - Returns were using today's date instead of the initial sale date - Dev-941

Credits Outstanding Report - Corrected issue with the report showing customers with a 0 credit balance - Dev-927

Batch Status Report - Correctly count for Number of Lines in the batch summary. It was incorrectly counting unique SKUs for the batch instead of line items - Dev-933

Quantity Discounts - Quantity discounts were not being triggered if the items added to the order were on backorder - Dev-919

Avalara (BETA) - Fixed AV (parcing) error when attempting Commits - Dev-928

Avalara (BETA) - Invoices shipped today were not showing in the Commits window - Dev-929

Avalara (BETA) - Get Tax will now only be required for orders with a US or Canadian ship-to address based on the nexus states setup in CMS - Dev-918

Shipped Dates - Shipped dates were automatically being set on invoices with all backordered or future shipped (delayed) items. The intended behavior was to set shipped dates automatically for invoices that have non-shippable items (see Dev-811 below in - Dev-911

Products - Products form size was increased to reduce the need for scrolling between tabs. Scrolling now only required for products configured to use Product Groups - Dev-666

Vantiv/MPS - Vantiv/MPS was acquired by Worldpay so references in CMS to the processor have been changed to Worldpay - Dev-851

Product Data Uploads - Improved logic used when determining which purchase order 'expected date' (CV3 backorder date) to use for inventory uploads to indicate when the product is expected to be available. Now accounting for items received on partially received PO's - Dev-775

Avalara (BETA) - Hidden beta module added to facilitate field testing - Dev-875

Avalara (BETA) - Duplicate line error when using Get Tax on an imported order that contained a product group - Dev-913

Payments - Payment methods were missing their hot keys in the selection combo. This also impacted the display of additional data fields for payments selected when refunding customer credit - Dev-805

Order Review - The recently added Clear button now will only enable if used on the same day as the package shipped date (its primary use is for clearing a shipped date when needing to recreate a shipping label) to reduce errant use of the button. Dev-855

Order Entry - It was possible to apply a payment to an order without a payment type by clicking into the Amount field, bypassing the payment type. The Amount field is now disabled until a valid payment type has been selected - Dev-866

Apply Payments - As with the above, you now must select a valid payment type before entering an amount - Dev-894

Credits Outstanding Report - Debits were being filtered out inadvertently as a result of the recent change to ignore balances of less than a penny - Dev-883

Inventory Tracking Report - Removed column for Ordered Quantity from the Sales portion of the report since it was not pertinent to the results and causing confusion. Allocations are related to sent (fulfilled) quantity which remains in the report - Dev-841

Retrieve Order - Improved the Windows shortcut/hot keys for easier keyboard navigation - Dev-415

Payment Data - If you no longer accept a payment type (removing the corresponding checkbox in Setup) and then edit an order that had a payment of that type on the order, the payment data would be removed - Dev-805

Pick-up Dates - You may now edit the scheduled pick-up date for a package when editing an order. This was previously only editable in the Manifest - De-823

Address Validation - Revalidating a previously validated address was not updating the displayed 'Validated On' date - Dev-830

Email Confirmations - Print task 93 - 'FTC Letter - Back Ordered Item List' was not working with email confirmations and in some cases only the headers were printing for orders with no back ordered items - Dev-764

Lot Adjustments - Improved handling/prevention of attempts to adjust stock levels below zero and now ensuring no adjustment records are saved - Dev-787

Invoice Printing - Option in Contact Manager for 'Do Not Print Billing Invoice' for multiship orders now supported by the Crystal Invoice template InvoiceTemplate_MSBC.rpt (and can be added to other templates or custom forms as a professional service) - Dev-548 (originally Dev-400 for CMS forms in an earlier version of CMS TEN)

Verify Imports - It was possible to double verify an order if the verify lock and the order was opened in a second window or the Verify button was double clicked - Dev-672

Order Entry - Item statuses for non-shipping items now will be set to shipped when its invoice is set as shipped. Invoices with a mix of shippable and non-shippable items will be properly set as shipped when the shippable item's packages have shipped - Dev-811

Physical Inventory Report - Possible error when launching the report if you had duplicate vendor names in your list - Dev-828

Products - If a product had no vendor, it may display the vendor address of the first vendor in the list - Dev-829

Products - The window size has been increased slightly to reduce the need to scroll through the tabs. Scrolling will now only be necessary when Product Groups are in use for a product - Dev-666

Exactor - Removed Setup options for the Exactor tax service (those options remain for anyone currently using Exactor.) Exactor was acquired by Intuit and will cease services Q2 2018 - Dev-849

UPS - Residential surcharge for Ground was twenty cents too high. Adjusted back down to $3.60 for both the surcharge (used with UPS Ground) and also updated the rates for legacy method UPS Ground Residential which has the surcharge included in the rate (unaffected by the surcharge or surcharge override) - Dev-871

Terminal Services - Changed a parameter in CMS that should alleviate a random exception error that can occur when running on Terminal Services - Dev-845

Amazon - The eCMS toolbar was not displayed if Amazon was your only import order source - Dev-848

Shipped Dates - An invoice with both a shippable and virtual package (e.g. backorder) was not getting set as shipped when the shippable package was set as shipped - Dev-698

Order Review - For items that do not ship, those that are not in a package, when the invoice was set as shipped the line item status was not being updated to status SH (shipped.) This is still work in progress and the first iteration of the fix was introduced in this build.

Reshipping a package - Added new Clear button in Order Entry>Shipping to remove the shipped date from a selected package to facilitate easier reprocessing a label. Package grid now supports highlighting a record to support using Clear with a selected package - Dev-839

2018 USPS rates - Dev-792

Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Padded Envelope - Dev-792

Invoices Captured but Unshipped Report - Now excludes invoices with no shippable packages - Dev-833

Credits Outstanding Report - Invoices with balances of less than $0.01, which can occur due to rounding, will no longer show in the report - Dev-826

UPS - Updated rates and surcharges corresponding to change effective Dec 24th, 2018 - Dev-804

FedEx - Updated rates and surcharges corresponding to change effective Dec 31st, 2018 - Dev-835

Order Review - When scrolling through orders, the item list was not clearing from the previous order - Dev-836

Staging - Removed safeguard that limited stageable items to only those with a line item quantity = 1 (introduced in as part of Dev-634)

Product Importer (beta) - Warehouse data not shown after initial processing - Dev-831

Product Importer (beta) - Product code size for Prices is wrong - Dev-812

Verify Imports - Added the time stamp to the Order Date so you can see what time the order was placed by the customer, not just when it was downloaded. The seconds portion of the time stamp for Downloaded time was also removed so both are now displaying HH:MM (hour:minute) - Dev-821

Automated Imports - The new DNAO column shown in Verify Imports that was added in 10.0.8 for the 'Do Not Accept Orders' validation check has been converted into a checkbox to display the same as the other validation check failures - Dev-784

Verify Orders - Double clicking the Verify Next button could cause two of the same order to open for verify and when that order was verified, the wrong order in the verify list would be marked as imported and removed from the list - Dev-817

Form Printing - Access Violation when printing multiple CMS (not Crystal) forms in the same session - Dev-814

Product Importer (beta) - Product code size for Prices is incorrect - Dev-812

Product Import enters hidden beta - Dev-48

Assorted small memory leaks fixed - Dev 801 and 803

Order Entry - View items refactoring to address possible memory leak - Dev-786

Email Confirmations - Corrected problem with embedded images in confirmation emails that would get attached multiple times - Dev-641

Staging - New 'Item Count' filter added to filter the list of stageable based on the count of items in their packages. Options are Single, Multiple Item, and All - Dev-634

Setup - Error adding new price categories - Dev-798

Continuity - The Size column was not displaying in the grid - Dev-800

Order Imports - The new 10.0.8 feature to adjust payment amounts for imported taxed orders was being double applied - Dev-788

UPS Peak Holiday Surcharges added - Dev - 781 (release)

Shipped Dates - Clearing a package's shipped date would not save if the invoice's shipped date was already set - Dev-753 - (beta)

Product Sales Detail report - Added parameter to exclude items sold at $0.00 - Dev-745

MasterCard - Support added for card numbers beginning with a 2 - Dev-778

Amazon - Added support for Gift Notes (note - requires changing Amazon's order report fields for all users - Dev-650

Amazon - Added support for international shipping methods - Dev-734

Order Review - When viewing a multiship order with the Filter By Recipient option checked and then scrolling to a non-multiship, the items would fail to display when clicking View Invoice - Dev-774

Automated Imports - New default (non-optioned) validation check for DNAO - Do Not Accept Orders. This checks the order's customer record to see if they are so flagged and, if so, will prevent the order from being automatically saved - Dev-725

Backups - The automated backup of the Sybase database will now disable the automated backup event in that backup to help ensure there are no conflicts between production backups and training databases - Dev-640

Statements - Corrected account balance shown on statements for customers with both credit on account and an amount owed - Dev-644

Form Printing - Invoices are now displayed and will print in an invoice date ascending sequence (previously was invoice date descending) - Dev-727

Form Printing - New option in Contact Manager for 'Do not print billing invoice' - Dev-400

Apply Payments - Invoice number now displays red ( if it had bad payments applied to it - Dev-545

Products - Editing discount percentage or product's shipping and handling fee on multiple price categories could cause an error or the wrong price to update - Dev-750

Order Review - Prices on items with product groups or quantity discounts would not update when price categories changed if those discounts or groups were removed - Dev-680

Order Entry - Future ships were being limited to a max of two years into the future. This limitation has been removed - Devv-709

Order Entry - The manual entry of reforderid's were being disallowed if that ID existed already for any import order source. This will now only check against the order's order source and only if it is an import order source - Dev-737

Stock Manager - Added support for product lookup by barcode scan - Dev-391

Stock Manager - Lot expiration date can be viewed and edited (previously only available during PO receipts) - Dev-705

Stock Allocations - It was possible during multiple separate edits to a temp save that changes to the qty of an existing line item would not properly deallocate - Dev-516

Physical Inventory Report - Completely rewritten to address fitness and performance issues. The previous iteration of this report relied on a database event to gather allocation data which was found to cause undue database log file growth and has now been disabled. Added a new parameter to let you set a starting date to gather allocation quantities from. Report can now be run for all vendors or a selected vendor, complete with a list of all of your vendors to select from - Dev-426, Dev-600, and Dev-735

Reports - Corrected memory leak in several reports - Dev-712

Reports - Customer Purchase Totals now will display non-shipping items when clicking the Details link - Dev-538

Purchasing - CMS would throw an error when submitting a PO if the vendor ID had an ampersand in it - Dev-651

CV3 Plug-in - Weights are now included in product uploads to CV3 for products with attributes (sizes/colors) - Dev-646

CV3 Plug-in - Product uploads that contained discount start and end dates did not also include times so both were defaulting to midnight (now 12:01 for start and 11:59pm for end) - Dev-580

Automated Imports Module (AIM) - New validation check added to identify orders using selected shipping methods - Dev-461

Order Imports - New option to have CMS adjust the payment amounts on uncaptured credit cards to match the new invoice total when tax calculations in CMS differ from the orders source (e.g. website) - Dev-422

Multiple Time Zones - Added support for running CMS from multiple time zones simultaneously, specifically as it relates to CMS's ability to encrypt and decrypt card numbers - Dev-304

Invoice and Mail Filters - State filters for International and Canada were producing incorrect results. They have been removed from the State filter map and into the Country filter which has also been reworked to improve usability - Dev-511

Invoice Filters - New option for filtering by Order Source (Amazon, etc.) - Dev-288

Invoice Filters - New button for Show SQL (similar to mail filters)

Invoice and Mail Filters - Selection grid improved for Ad Codes, Source Codes, and Price Categories - Dev-308

Print Task - New print task option for CMS forms (not Crystal) for 'Invoice - Tracking Number (all). The current "Invoice - Tracking Numbers (All) " (Number=481) was renamed to "Invoice - Tracking URLs (All)", retaining its number - Dev-491

Worldship XML - CMS can now pass a UPS shipper Profile name in the XML which prompts Worldship to change profiles for that shipment. This solution was implemented to solve a label formatting issue for UPS SurePost which, in a default profile, did not have enough space to print additional information (e.g. logo). The profile name must be added to the shipping method definition in CMS Setup - Dev-331

Windows 10 - Resolved issue sending emails under Windows 10 for servers that require secure connections - Dev-313

Email Confirmations - Order confirmation emails were only being created for the first order in a workstation's Order Entry session - Dev-721

Returns - The Approve button remained enabled after the approval has processed (did not affect captures) - Dev-416

Sales Tax - Sales tax was not applying correctly to orders with double discounts (both at item and order level) - Dev-550

MPS - Mercury Payment Systems has been acquired by Vantiv. References to MPS in CMS have been changed to Vantiv - Dev-660

MPS - URL used for test transactions (account set in test mode) has been updated - Dev-663

Employees - Now filtering out ex-employees from the 'Handled By' combo in ToDos - Dev-601

Manifest - No zone (and hence rate) was being displayed for a package when changing between a non-zoned method and a zoned method - Dev-658

Manifest - Processing international packages with Dazzle that were fulfillments of backorders on an order that used Bill Delayed, CMS was unable to determine the customs value for the line items (they were prepaid on an earlier invoice) - Dev-31

Order Review - View Invoice will now display the invoice-specific operator when different from the order's operator (namely returns) - Dev-639

New Installs - Corrected some missing database fields (only affecting new installs, not updates) - Dev-733

Order Entry - The label on the Billing Phone field has been corrected (previously said Ship Phone) - Dev-706

Order Entry - Possible for the price from the wrong price category to come up if some of the price categories were set as Inactive - Dev-589

Updates - Changelog when run outside of the installer could error during a data update due to not accounting for possible null shipmeth_used values (otherwise harmless) - Dev-751

File Transform Plug-in - Introduced new option to output product data to an XML file, operating similarly to product data uploads for other eCMS order sources - Dev-691

File Transform Plug-in - Order Status XML file exports now include a new element PackageNumber to uniquely identify each package, corresponding to the package_id in CMS (e.g. 0001) - Dev-702

File Transform Plug-in - Order Status XML file exports now include elements for SizeName and ColorName as part of the item data passed as contents for each package - Dev-699

Order Exports - New export field available for Order>Shipping Address>Email and Order>Billing Address>Email. The header used in the export for both of these will simply be 'Email', however - Dev-647

Note the following fixes were introduced in or earlier but were not previously documented:

PO's - Now able to reopen a closed PO. This will also restore any quantity on order if the PO was not fully received - Dev-563

Lots - Expiration Date field for a lot could only be set during PO receiving. Now it can be set in Stock Manager - Dev-297

Order Entry - Possible to errantly trigger the "changing customer" dialog when verifying imported orders if CMS is configured to start the next order with the previous order's order source - Dev-620

Inventory Analysis report - Sorting this report by vendor would throw a Crystal error if the vendor name was 30+ characters. CMS is now truncating the vendor name to 30 to work around this bug/limitation of Crystal - Dev-379

HUC - Hold Until Compete orders with zero dollar payments were being filtered out of Batching and Form Printing due to having an unauthorized charge for $0.00 - Dev-351

Product Uploads - Improved handling of products with unacceptable characters (e.g. ohm sign) - CMS will now display helpful messaging when problematic data is encountered - Dev-462

eCMS Imports - When importing eCMS orders, if the user encounters a locking situation that forces them to cancel the import, the Import Orders window is left in a non-functional state (Processing and Close button disabled) - Dev-374

Kits - Improved behavior when alternating a product setup between being a kit and a non-kit (removing all components) - Dev-622

Volusion - Changed item mapping to remove Volusion's product ID from the CMS customization line - Dev-668

Windows 10 - Further refinements to snap assist and task bar behavior - Dev-633

Price Categories - New price categories were only allowing a single character for the name - Dev-618

USPS - Regional Rates A and B were displaying the incorrect rates for zones 2-9, off by one zone (+1) - Dev-635

USPS - 2017 Rates and surcharges - Dev-602

Crystal Invoices - Error running InvoiceTemplate-Summary - Dev-629

Crystal Invoices - Reviewed and updated all remaining Crystal invoice template forms as need to ensure proper operation with the recent databases changes which support four digit package ID's - Dev-630

List of forms affected:


Scales - Enhancements to our Adam scales support enabling CMS to deal with some undocumented variations in their scales' serial communications - Dev-632

Order Entry - RefOrderID's may now be manually entered for orders that were not imported - Dev-494

Windows Task Bar - When a window is auto-snapped to a side anchor point, Windows gives the user a chance to choose another window to auto-snap into the remaining screen space. The change we made allows CMS to be one of those window choices now - Dev-633

FedEx - Fixed incorrect FedEx Home surcharges - Dev-627

Price Categories - CMS will not block the deletion of a Price Categories that are used in any Customer or Order data in order to prevent Orphan situations - Dev-618

Shipping Rates - Updates to rates and service charges for UPS and Fedex for 2017

Crystal Forms - When setting up a Crystal Invoice form and selecting 'Print based on Shipping' (ship method) it would raise an Access Violation error - Dev-608

Fulfillment Manager - Order number search after a fulfillment was not enabling the Process Order button - Dev-567

Tax Config Report - Error raised when attempting to run the report - Dev-581

Order Importing - Errors were possible when importing an order with a phone number longer than 18 digits. These are now truncated to 18 silently to ensure manual and automated imports will process without error - Dev-604

Kits - When creating a new product immediately after creating a new kit product, the 'Is a Kit' checkbox was disabled preventing its selection - Dev-590

CMS Updates - Changelog syntax error for trUpdateLotItem - Dev-603 (internal testing only)

Manifest - Duping a package would create an invalid (0) package number - Dev-614

Apply Payments - Payment amount applied was being set to zero. Regressive to - Dev-607

Apply Payments - If a payment was applied and saved and then you attempted to find a different customer, CMS was errantly warning that the payment had not been saved. - Dev-574

Products - New product fields added to the database and Products form to facilitate upcoming enhancements to the CV3 integration. Fields include:

To support the additional fields we've added a new Details tab for Brand and Manufacture (anticipating more fields coming), a SKU Details tab for SKU level detail for dimensions and SRP, and the URL fields are available under the eCMS tab. Dev-512

Products - The Sizes/Colors (SKU) grid in the Products form will now display the SKU's in the same sort order as has been recognized by Order Entry, set in the SKU Wizard. - Dev-421

Crystal Invoices - The recent increase in the package_id to 4 characters broke some of the Crystal invoice template's ability to produce a single pick ticket per recipient. The following affected forms were fixed under ticket Dev-569:


External_Shipping - New packages created via external shipping integrations could result in a package number of 000 (updates to existing packages were not affected) - Dev-560

Shipping Rates - Updated the USPS First Class Package 3oz rate from $2.45 to $2.60 pursuant to the rate change effective August 28th, 2016 - Dev-542

Setup - New filter in Shipping Methods to limit the display to "Active Only" - Dev-457

Order Search - Reverted the behavior of 'Find this station's last order' to what it was in 10.0.4 where it will find the station's last edited or saved order. The option has been renamed to say Saved Order to better communicate its function - Dev-378

Email - Updated components to add support for TLS v1.2 which some email providers are starting to require (up from SSL or TLS 1.1) - Dev-557

Products - If a product was configured to use a specific shipping method, it was not possible to then remove that method, it could only be changed to a different method - Dev-463

Dazzle - Now using ISO alpha-2 country codes for country of origin to facilitate better country matching between CMS and Dazzle - Dev-445

Statements - Statements and their supporting stored procedure now include shipped date - Dev-454

Crystal - CMS now supports using Crystal forms as Pick Tickets - Dev-372

Crystal - New Crystal form definitions will now default to 1 for the number of copies to print (previously allowed 0 or '') which would lead to printing errors - Dev-432

Verify Imports - The selected record would de-select when Unlock was clicked - Dev-441

Order Entry - Future shipping an item that was on back order will now clear the quantity on back order - Dev-487

Order Entry - Editing a recipient address in conjunction with a shipping charge recalc could cause the underlying address_id to get out of sync, preventing further edits to the shipping address or gift notes - Dev-364

Database - Added new database function fGetPackageCostsForOrder to facilitate order level shipping margin calculations - Dev-460

Batching - If editing a batch and you attempted to remove the first order, the second order would be removed instead - Dev-458

Find Customer - CMS could hang or crash when using column sorting on search results - Dev-427

Email - Error raised if saving an email account password longer than 31 characters - Dev-390

Contact Manager - CMS was errantly prompting for a save after an email was sent - Dev-437

Contact Manager - CMS is no longer asking if you want to save an email that was composed in

Contact Manager after it has been successfully sent - Dev-438

Contact Manager - History was not displaying (without refresh) if you were on the History tab and then retrieved a different customer - Dev-401

Contact Manager - The non-functional Delete button has been removed from the History tab - Dev-499

Contact Manager - Possible for Contact Manager to stop responding after using Find Customer while the Auto-Save option was enabled in Workstation Specific settings - Dev-435

ToDos - When editing a ToDo for another employee, CMS was change the owner of the ToDo to whoever edited it. It will now leave the owner unchanged unless the ToDo has been marked as Handled, in which case it will prompt to change the owner to the current operator - Dev-429

CV3 - Product uploads to CommerceV3 will now query their web service for a list of Parent Items so they can be appended to the products CMS is uploading, ensuring that the product data upload does not break their relationship - Dev-356

CV3 - An error could be displayed if attempting to download orders from the Public web service when no orders were available for download - Dev-406

Magento - Now able to properly skip trying to sync with invoices that were manually generated directly in Magento - Dev-348

SKU Wizard - Field added so weights can be set on all SKU's for a product - Dev-484

Stock Manager - Comments made during a stock transfer were being saved as "AA" - Dev-428

Amazon - Order status updates configured to export to an invalid path were still marking the orders as successfully exported - Dev-536

Product Imports - Implemented restricted/beta access to the upcoming Product Import features - Dev-539

Magento - The "Allow Duplicates" plug-in option was not properly parsing product codes with more than one suffix - Dev-517

Order Imports - During verification of imported orders it was possible for an error to be raised due to an inability to decrypt the credit card - Dev-532

Email Confirmations - Order confirmations were being created for order sources not configured to have order confirmations (regressive to - Dev-519

Order Review - Access Violation possible if retrieving an order that does not have the same invoice number (e.g. viewing the -2 return invoice and then retrieving another order that doesn't have a -2 invoice) - Dev-524

Order Entry - De-Allocation of inventoried kit not occurring when converting item to future ship - Dev-370

Amazon - Plug-in and documentation completed for Amazon Basic, file based order importing and order status exporting - Dev-485

Order Imports - New option to alter payment amount for uncaptured credit cards on imported orders to match the invoice total, addressing small differences between tax calculations in CMS vs web - Dev-422

Amazon - Fixed Java "start-in" path issue - Dev-433

Contact Manager - When clicking Order, the customer record is saved but will warn if the address is incomplete, but now still allows you to continue - Dev-183

Verify Imports - Credit cards could fail to properly decrypt for imported orders - Dev-508

Volusion - Fixed issue with the Country not importing for addresses - Dev-453

Fulfillment Manager - New grid pointer, multi-select, now defaults to all orders shown, clicking an individual order auto-switches to "selected orders only" mode, optional fulfillment speed timer (smallset), Process Orders button disabled in Selected Orders mode until at least one order selected, cursor follows orders as they are fulfilled, window no longer updates with item/address for each order as fulfilled (further performance improvement), and now able to Cancel a fulfillment session in progress - Dev-503

Keyed Imports - Carrier Packages solution (10.0.1) redesigned to skip the carrier_packages_queue table, improving reliability, and providing new options to limit which ship methods should be made available for keyed imports (improving performance) - Dev-346

Fulfillment Manager - The speed of processing back order and future shipments has been improved - Dev-501 (beta of 10.0.5 starts)

Email Confirmations - New options for sending confirmations for items with back orders and when a return has been processed - Dev-434

Order Imports - New option under Fulfillment Options>Import/Export for "Update mail address when match found". The default behavior of CMS is to not allow imported orders to update the mailing address, only the billing and shipping - Dev-236 (last 10.0.4 release build)

Scales - Improved collection of logging data for unrecognized scale responses. Also changed the Adam scale weight request code to obtain Net (N) instead of Gross (G) weight, now taking Tare into account - Dev-488

Volusion (beta) - Email addresses are now included in order downloads (added separate customer API call) - Dev-452

USPS Rates - First Class and Media Mail rate changes for April 10, 2016 - Dev-430

Countries - Some client databases had their ISO_NAMESHORT and ISO3166_Code reversed which was causing Dazzle international shipments to fail due to unrecognized an country of origin - Dev-424

Order Entry - When the Package Exceptions form is raised, it is now defaulting focus to the OK button so you can just press Enter to accept - Dev-412

Volusion - Beta implementation of Volusion integration - Dev-40

Order Imports - CMS was failing to load an order if its payment data could not be decrypted. The order will now load and allow for verification and repair of the payment - Dev-307

Order Review - The option to retrieve this station's last order was retrieving the last order saved or edited. It is now only retrieving the last saved order - Dev-378

CV3 Public - Orders importing with unrecognized shipping methods were causing the import to fail - Dev-402

Form Printing - When printing a CMS PO form with the print task for Ship-To or Bill-To address may print a blank address - Dev-381 (Internal only) - Customer email addresses were being passed to for POS orders, despite the CMS setting to the contrary, resulting in those customers being emailed copies of their receipts - Dev-377

Exactor - Added logging option for troubleshooting (TAXSERVICELOG entry in SMALLSET table). If enabled this will create a new text file in the \NewHaven Software share called exactor.log - Dev-363

Exactor - Added Shipping EUC override which will replace the default value of 13010204 if present (EXACTSHIPEUC in SMALLSET table). Noting that Exactor is expecting the code to be in the format of 'EUC-XXXXXXXX' so be sure to enter as such - Dev-334

Kit Builder - CPU use was running near 100% when Kit Builder form was opened leading to sluggish performance - Dev-384

Reports - Customer Activity report has been updated to include the customer number when run with Sort By options other than customer number - RT 51156

Endicia - Priority Mail Flat Rate Box (domestic and international) were being treated by Dazzle as Priority Mail (not flat rate) - Dev-389

USPS rates to support the January 17, 2016 rate change - Dev-344

Endicia - Changes to the DaZzle integration corresponding to the changes to service level names and the USPS deprecation of some of their shipping options - Dev-344 (internal only- Volusion integration testing)

UPS Rate - Updated rates and surcharges for UPS corresponding to their December 26th, 2015 "2016" rate change - Dev-326

FedEx Rate - Updated rates and surcharges for FedEx corresponding to their January 4th, 2016 rate change - Dev-327

UPS Ground - Fixed missing zones for the generic UPS Ground shipping method (which replaced UPS Residential and UPS Commercial) - Dev-369

CV3 (public) - Backorder dates (CV3 term) were not being included in product uploads at the SKU/attribute level (only at the product level) - Dev-335

CV3 (public) - Expired CV3 passwords would cause order downloads to fail without an error message to indicate that the expired password was the problem (such a message has been added) - Dev-255

NCOA - CMS will now filter out non-U.S. address when performing a NCOA export when no filter is selected (it automatically has done this if any filter was used) - Dev-350

Product Images - Bulk image imports from CMS Setup were not responding - Dev-330

Column Sorting - Error possible when column sorting in a grid, such as the customer look-up - Dev-345

CMS Invoices - The print task for billing address on CMS invoices (not Crystal forms) could in some cases print the wrong billing address when linked billing was used - Dev-217

ShipRush Integration - Communication with ShipRush would fail if there was a percentage sign in the ship-to address - Dev-332

Shipping Rates - Shipping rates not calculating properly for shipments coming from Hawaii - Dev-349

Installer - Link to the release notes was pointing to the wrong version of Whatsnew.htm - Dev-322 (internal only)

CMS Licensing Service - The service used to automatically update CMS license codes was failing to install. The side effect of this was for customers on payment plans to not automatically receive their updated codes upon payment - Dev-305

Reports - Error running the Physical Inventory report - Dev-306

Reports - Error running the Inventory Analysis report when grouping by Vendor - Dev-316

Order Review - Error when attempting to use column sorting in the email confirmations grid - Dev-108

Order Entry - New warning added when editing a saved order that has an existing dropship purchase orders created - Dev-280

Order Imports - Imported orders with delayed items and the order not set to Bill Delayed will place the shipping charge on the -1 invoice when no items have been fulfilled - Dev-290

Order Imports - Unable to save an order containing a credit card payment whose expiration date is this month - Dev-289

Order Imports - Possible for an Access Violation error to be raised during the automated processing of order imports (during save) - Dev-295

Endicia - Expanded support for the number of customs line items from 30 to 1000 - Dev-266

Installation - Error possible during database update when a scheduled trigger was firing at the same time the update was running - Dev-291

Installation - Possible for permissions to not be properly set for new files resulting in assorted errors when running CMS from the workstation - Dev-270

Reports - Physical Inventory report could fail to run after a CMS update was installed - Dev-286

PCI Admin - Tokenization option now will only be displayed for the processor MPS - Dev-265

Kit Builder - Removed 'Restock at' column and added columns for ' Resupply At' and 'Restock To' - Dev-264

Contact Manager - Errant warning to save customer information when retrieving a candidate from the list - Dev-278

Contact Manager - Added columns for address lines to the candidates grid that shows up when typing a name into the Contact Manager - Dev-279

Order Entry - Recipient Imports - Duplicate recipient names were not being uniquely named also causing the replication of items to all recipients to skip some recips - Dev-269

Returns - Error when trying to return a kit that was sold via exchange - Dev-267

Setup>Payments - Added option to enable/disable Gift Card payments - Dev-273

Setup>Payments - Converted selected grid to checkboxes to accommodate more payment types - Dev-273

Reports - Added Shipping Cost Analysis report under the Reports>Fulfillment menu - Dev-156

Contact Manager - When a customer had multiple orders on the same day, the most recent was not at the top of the list in Order History - Dev-250

Order Entry - Error opening the one-time item dialog - Dev-262 - Converted to's new processing URL in prep for their 2016 switchover. They are currently running in parallel but will remove support for the older URL's in 2016 - Dev-231

Payments - When being prompted if you'd like to use the last credit card used, the dialog now includes the last four digits of the card number to facilitate the decision - Dev-55

Installer - Installation will now warn and abort if the database does not have credit card encryption enabled (PCI and CMS TEN requirement) - Dev-58

Order Review - CMS was unnecessarily prompting for permission to update shipping charges when editing an order. The prompt should only come if certain aspects of the order have changed like items, price, or shipping address - Dev-253

Order Entry - Address Editor was not skipping Honorific if configured to do so in Order Entry Options>Field Navigation - Dev-249

Order Entry - Using Enter or Tab to advance through the fields on the Tracking tab will no longer stop on the Show Inactive Adcodes checkbox - Dev-244

Order Entry - Using Enter or Tab to advance through the fields on the Money tab will no longer stop on the Apply Date field - Dev-246

CV3 - Improved handling of errors due to expired login password - Dev-241

Scheduled Payments - Unable to re-save an order that had an expired credit card in its payment schedule - Dev-257

Contact Manager - CMS was prompting for a customer save if the customer's total spending changed or when scrolling between customers with different total spending levels - Dev-256

Order Entry - Order Source data could be lost if tabbing through the field after initially set - Dev-245

Automated Imports - No order history added to a new customer record created for an order's recipient - Dev-252

Kit Builder - Possible to return too much component inventory to stock if canceling after both stock was reserved and Qty To Build was subsequently reduced - Dev-243

Installer - Included additional Java components for server installs, finalizing the deployment issues related to Dev-226 below

CV3 (public) - Order level Default Ship Method was not being assigned - Dev-239

Order Imports - Removed the fix for Dev-230 ( to have it re-assessed for better handling of product descriptions for one-time items

Multi-ship Orders - Possible for CMS to drop a recipient and for their items to appear on the wrong recipient - Dev-242

Plug-ins - Prepping plug-ins to use a dictionary of plug-in options - Dev-248

Kit Builder - Unable to reduce Qty to Build after stock had been reserved - Dev-238

CV3 (public) - Attribute names were being overwritten by product uploads from CMS. New plug-in option added to suppress CMS from uploading attribute names for existing products (now also checking to see if a product is new) - Dev-218

CV3 (public) - When using automated imports CMS could misidentify a product with attributes as being on backorder - Dev-237

Find Customer - Width of the State column in the search results was defaulting to 50 characters (max field size) which was taking up too much space in the grid - Dev-233

Package grid highlight color for a selected record was too dark to see text - Dev-174

Manifest - Changing the ship method with the arrow key was not properly setting the new method - Dev-181

Verify Imports - Error was raised if doing a customer search by Company while verifying an imported order - Dev-225

Automated Imports - CMS was not using the Order Entry default shipping method setting when an imported order had an unrecognized shipping method - Dev-232

Order Imports - Products that imported with attributes that matched to a product in CMS that was not configured to have attributes was dropping the attribute data (now being treated as a one-time item) - Dev-230

eCMS - Plug-in Options not recognized if there is a capital B (e.g. failing on WEBSERVICEID) - Dev-234

Address Editor - Unable to scroll to the end of a long email address - Dev-212

Database - Email field in tables ADDRESS, CONTACTS, IMPTEMP, VEND have been expanded to 100 char - Dev-213

Database - Changed table name PRODCAT to PRODTAXCAT - Dev-229

Contact Manager - Altering customer credit amount was prompting the user to save (the change is saved automatically) - Dev-216

Contact Manager - Unable to process a credit card for a refund of customer credit - Dev-224

Returns - Switching payment types will now clear the credit card number - Dev-223

TransFirst ePay - Voids responses from TransFirst were not being recognized or logged and CMS reported an error or unsuccessful attempt to void. They were actually successfully processed but CMS was not interpreting the new response format properly - Dev-219

Installer - We are now deploying Java and MapForce files with server installs to facilitate our forthcoming Amazon integration. This results in two new directories under \NewHaven Software for JRE and MapForce - Dev-226

TransFirst ePay - Credits (refunds) were failing to process - Dev-220

CV3 (public) - Order level discounts were not importing - Dev-214

Magento - Converted to multi-threaded order status uploads to speed up processing time - Dev-103

Order Entry - Advanced Product Search was failing to find results based on products' Tech Info and Additional Information (unicode issue). Matching text on the search term will also now display italicized and colored magenta - Dev-198

Inventory Tracking report - Updated to work with database change, IPADJUST table field name changed from ITEM to SKU_ID - Dev-206

Installer - Updated to InstallAware v18 to address rare "insufficient resources" error. It also will be the foundation of our support for Windows10 installs - Dev-207

Kits - Error when partially reducing the quantity ordered of a kit that pulls stock from components - Dev-195

Order Entry - Tech Info and Additional Info product fields were not displaying - Dev-197

Order Entry - Possible to return too much stock to inventory if item was forced onto backorder repeatedly - Dev-188

Order Entry - Access Violation error if Order Entry was closed while the product selection combo was open - Dev-151

Contact Manager - New option to warn of unsaved edits was not recognizing edits to some of the fields under the Profile tab - Dev-182

Automated Imports - New validation check for customer non-zero balance - Dev-142

Product Uploads - Automatic product uploads were not taking place unless the option for order status uploads was also selected - Dev-204

Dazzle - Modified integration to pass Canadian postal codes without spaces or dashed per new spec - Dev-133

Order Importing - Import window can now be minimized to allow for processing in the background - Dev-71

Kits - Error when using a kit that pulled fractional quantities for a component - Dev-195

Batching - Batching window now combined with the Edit Existing Batches window using tabs to separate them. Now supports double clicking to open the corresponding order - Dev-141

CV3 - Product attribute duplicated when importing orders with a sized item (caused item to go onto backorder)- Dev-189

USPS Rates - Updated First Class, Standard Post, Media Mail, and Parcel Select rates in prep for the May 31st USPS rate change - Dev-132

Endicia - Canadian postal codes are now standardized before passing to Dazzle to meet new requirements - Dev-133

Magento - Discontinued items were still uploading - Dev-177

Endicia (international) - CMS was not passing the province data which is now being placed into an expanded State field - Dev-139

Endicia (international) - Now using ISO3166 country codes to specify 'country of origin' for international orders which should result in a more definitive match

Magento - Multi-threading employed for order status uploads to increase speed of processing - Dev-103

Manifest - Unable to click the Close button when there were no packages in the list - Dev-172

CV3 plug-in (public) - Single-attribute products were importing with that attribute showing as both the size and color - Dev-179

CV3 plug-in (public) - Item-level customization data is now mapped into the item's customization field (previously just went to invoice notes) - Dev-163

Invoice Batching - The grid now supports double-clicking to open the corresponding order - Dev-178

MPS - Tokens now managed by the PCI data retention policy or the MPS recommendation of 180 days, whichever comes first - Dev-131

Returns - Dropship items added to a return as an exchanged item defaulted to a quantity of zero - Dev-136

Installer - Removed option to automatically run CMS on completion of update. There is a bug in the new version of the installer software that is causing this option to throw errors so it has been removed for now - Dev-171

Products - Altering the Discount radio button will not save unless other pricing changes are made - Dev-159

Grids - Grid sorting with directional arrows has been added in most CMS grids - Dev-158

Kit Builder - When a kit is built and a component's cost later change, CMS can now find and correspondingly update the lot costs of all kits built from that component - Dev-130

XML - CMS now supports the ability to specify a tax category for items imported that do not match a product in your list - Dev-118

Confirmations - When viewing confirmation emails created for an order, the date was being cut - Dev-109

Order Entry - Payment amount field was locked after authorization. Field will now only be disabled after capture - Dev-161

Order Entry - Credit cards that have been cleared from the database due to the data retention policy will now display the last4 of the card number in place of the card number (last4 is not considered sensitive cardholder data) - Dev-164

Payments - If a payment created a customer credit and that payment was later edited, the corresponding credit was not being updated - Dev-165

Reports - Added "Exclude Zero Stock" parameter (with options for yes, no, or discontinued) to the Physical Inventory, Inventory Analysis, and Items To Reorder reports - Dev-145

Manifest - Duplicated packages were filtered from being displayed - Dev-154

Verify Imports - Columns for failed validation checks will now only display if one or more orders in the Verify Imports queue has failed that check and window will dynamically resize. This window may now also be maximized - Dev-155

Magento - Product uploads could cause the 'Do Not Show' flag to be set - Dev-148

CommerceV3 - The new plug-in for the CV3 public web service was assigning the last SKU's price to the product. It will now use the lowest price of the product's SKU's - Dev-153

CommerceV3 - The new plug-in for the CV3 public web service was not uploading special (sale) prices or their corresponding effective dates - Dev-152

MPS - eCom charges were not defaulting to using the MOTO merchant account - Dev-146

Verify Imports - Column added for Fulfill Date, column for order date altered from date:time to date - Dev-121

Installer - Enforcing choices are selected before allowing Next button to be clicked - Dev-150

Order Entry - Possible for CMS to create Return Lots when deallocating a kit that pulls fractional quantities of a component - Dev-97

Installer - Install Aware software updated to current version - Dev-110/124/143

Order Entry - Possible for an invoice with multiple payments to allow editing of the credit card field (albeit still masked) when editing should have been prevented - Dev-144